Module 2 – Plant-Microbe Interaction Phenotyping

The Plant-Microbe-Interaction Phenotyping Module consists of two independent phenotyping installations designed for high-throughput phenotyping of the plant shoot (Helios) and in-vitro root system (Hades).

These systems will allow characterization of the shoot or root architecture changes and plant photosynthetic performance, provide insight into plant organs' metabolic responses, and locate and quantify fluorescent microorganisms or proteins. Furthermore, Helios and Hades will operate under the PMC-III restriction level to allow work with GM microorganisms.

Read more about Helios and Hades by clicking on the buttons below:


These systems have been developed by Photon Systems Instruments.


Valerian Meline (UU)

Valerian Meline (Helios)


Marciel Pereira Mendes (Hades)


NPEC Utrecht

Padualaan 8
3584 CH
The Netherlands


Tools and equipment

Plant-Microbe Interactions phenotyping

NPEC’s Helios phenotyping facility for the quantitive description of shoot architectural traits and the localisation and quantification of fluorescent proteins expressed by plant shoots or associated microorganisms.
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