NPEC at 3rd NordPlant annual meeting in Tromsø, Norway
25 December 2021
To strengthen the connection to European initiatives, and to get a much needed external view of the Nordic phenotyping community, NordPlant had invited Rick van de Zedde (WUR) who is the project manager at the Netherlands Plant Eco-phenotyping Centre (NPEC) facilities.
He presented on the six different modules in place in Utrecht and Wageningen. All six modules are producing data with major emphasis on the acquisition of data. Just as NordPlant, NPEC has employed the information system PHIS to store phenotyping data in a MIAPPE compatible way. His experience was that metadata questions from the users often come long after the experiment is finished. At that time it will often be too late to try to recap what the conditions were or if there had been any abnormalities during the experiment, unless the data was not recorded straight away in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, he presented fascinating work on creating a “digital twin” of an experiment by sensoring a real crop. He ended his presentation with a kind open offer to organise expert meetings and exchange personal through Erasmus or similar to increase the information flow in the community.
Full summary can be found here: Summary of the 3rd NordPlant annual meeting “Successful Plant Modelling and Phenotyping for the Nordic Countries – What is Needed?”, 25-26 November 2021 in Tromsø, Norway –
Photo: Tromsø in the long winter night
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