IPPS 2022 wrap-up


This year’s International Plant Phenotyping Symposium was highly acclaimed by attendees, contributors & sponsors of the conference.

The organizing committee, consisting of members of the local partners from Wageningen University & Research (Dept. of Plant Sciences) & the IPPN Board & -Office worked jointly for over a year to realize the biggest international plant phenotyping conference so far. Close to 450 attendees from 44 countries gathered in Wageningen International Congress Center (WICC) for 5 days of Phenomics research, applications & newest developments from industry, accompanied by a unique side program of workshops, break-out sessions, networking, excursions, panel discussions & a filled exhibition area.

On top of that, WUR opened its new state-of-the-art integrated plant phenotyping center “NPEC” on pre-conference day. During the opening of NPEC, IPPS attendees could take the opportunity to go on guided tours through the newly established complex & peek an eye on the newest plant phenotyping technologies there are at this moment.

IPPS2022 in numbers

  • Over the span of 5 days (September 26- 30) the international plant phenotyping community gathered in the city of Wageningen.
  • In total, almost 450 attendees from more than 44 countries took part in the conference.
  • More than 25 sponsors & exhibitors contributed.
  • 7 Keynotes, 22 Session-talks were held according to program.
  • 173 Poster submissions were shown in dedicated poster rooms & 3 poster sessions.

Thanks to all our sponsors & exhibitors!

For scientists attending IPPS2022, the conference was & has always been a vital instrument to exchange & network with other colleagues from around the world. With this year’s so far largest exhibition area inside an IPPS, companies from many different sectors could showcase their products & services towards the global plant phenotyping community. From a total of 27 sponsors 16 did contribute not only financially but were able to show the state-of-arts in technology & analytic services life & on-site.

This year’s sponsors were: Barenbrug, Enza Zaden, Insilico Plants, KWS, Phenotrait, Phenovation, PhenoKey, Plant Ditech, SMO, Walz, WPS, AAAS/ BioDesign Research, AAAS / Plant Phenomics, HiPhen, University of Nebraska – Lincoln, PhotoSync, Bosman van Zaal, PSI, UGT, Phenospex, Kazusa DNA Research Institute, PerClass, Fluence, PhenomUK, Hoogendoorn, Bayer, Syngenta, KAUST.

IPPN & Wageningen University & Research want to thank all our sponsors for their support & engagement!! Without you this conference would not have been possible.

Program & abstract book available for download

For attendees & people who could not make it to Wageningen, you can still download the abstract book & IPPS Program here. Within the abstract book you can find additional information on the program, side-activities, workshops, participants & sponsors.

IPPN Tree tradition & mitigation of climate impact

A tree was planted as part of the IPPS & NPEC opening reception. Since the very beginning of IPPS in 2009, at each of the conference’s location a tree is planted. This year, in order to keep this tradition & even add on top of that, the organizers in Wageningen had a fantastic idea to mitigate a little bit of the impact of international travel on climate connected to the conference: For each IPPS2022 attendee a tree will be planted inside the Droevendaal Food Forest.


The Droevendaal Food Forest project started in 2018 as a student managed design project under the supervision of the Farming Systems Ecology Chairgroup of WUR. The aim is to redesign a 1 hectare, 20 year old apple-pear-walnut orchard into a divers food forest. Trees and perennial crops are the base of the system.

In 10 years’ time, the redesign should lead towards a food-system that feeds 10 adults per year, where all ecosystem services like carbon sequestration, soil regeneration and biodiversity is increasing and which offers a living lab for research, education and community building for WUR students and staff. Since 2018 an Ecoliteracy school is functioning in which primary school pupils are following an ecoliteracyprogramme developed and implemented by WUR students.

IPPN Travel- & Poster Awards

Traditionally during IPPS’, IPPN provides Travel – & Poster grants among attendees. This year, 6 Travel awards were given out to international early career researchers & industry professionals, each at a value of 2.000€. The money is thought to compensate for the travel expanses connected to the conference & were selected by the IPPN Board members on behalf of provided applications of over 30 submissions.
Travel award winners were: Erik Amezquita (University of Georgia), Chiara Amitrano (University of Naples Federico II), Yichen Kang (University of Queensland), Hayley Sussman (Boyce Thompson Institute), Shanice Van Haeften (University of Queensland) & Jason Walsh (University College Dublin).

The awards for the best three posters were determined through secret evaluation, done by the keynotes of the conference. The prize money for the best posters has been €200, €150 and €100 respectively. Poster prize winners were: Richard Poire (ANU), Erik Amezquita (University of Georgia) & Sruti Das Choudhury (University Nebraska-Lincoln).

Each award winner additionally received a copy of Advances in Plant Phentoyping for more Sustainable Crop Production, edited by Prof Achim Walter (ETH Zuerich). Copies were provided at the curtesy of Burleigh Dodds publishing.


There are no future events planned at the moment...

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